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October 20, 2015


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I hope the company gives Corphyee Anna Lavrinenko a chance to shine. I was so impressed with her in Cinderella last year. She deserves more chances to dance.

The Conflict with NYCB is inconvenient but I think the Mariinsky dancers like the chance to see NY dancers in action. Which probably contributes to the dates set as well as availability at BAM.

True – it was quite the thrill during last year's Mariinsky visit to BAM to catch Lopatkina at the champagne bar at an NYCB intermission in Manhattan.

Its going to be a tight schedule that week indeed. The Pacific Northwest Ballet is at the City Center too. I already have a ticket to one of their performances.

Unless the Mariinsky Orchestra is in the pit - highly unlikely, as this is their gig - then only solo dances or perhaps a pdd will be danced on a small space in front of the orchestra. Sounds like a marketing ploy to get balletomanes to buy tickets to an orchestral concert. I hope I'm wrong.

I think you are right, but I'll bet the Mariinsky Orchestra plays in New York while the Mariinsky dancers suffer through the Kennedy Center Orchestra. It's a Gergiev-ploy to get the New York ballet audience to attend a Mariinsky orchestra concert and an Ardani-ploy to get the very resistant ballet audience to attend that crappolla that he presents around the world with Vishneva as the headliner. That said, I will probably go to the marathon Prokofiev concert and skip ALL of the ballet programs. NYCB will be in session with a FABULOUS week of some of Balanchine's greatest works while the Mariinsky's Raymonda will be in DC.

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