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February 05, 2016


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This film is wonderful! Just finished watching, so I'm emotional, no words, except to say thank you, Haglund!

Georgiann, you're very welcome.

I was on a 9th Ave bus today after NYCB discussing this film with a friend when a total stranger turned around and said that she was sure Marge Champion had died a while back and that she had previously lived in the same building at Manhattan Plaza. I could find no indication on the internet of her passing, though.

It is a very sweet film, full of wisdom and warmth.

Coincidentally, two days ago a colleague of mine was introduced to Marge Champion as he prepared to deliver his presentation “MGM Musicals of the 1950s” at a senior home/center in California. She will be 97 this year, is "frailer than before but still sharp as a tack” (as he described her). No word on whether or not she resides at the center or was just visiting, but nevertheless he was elated at meeting her.

Thank you, LLF, for that wonderful information!!

Thanks for sharing this Haglund! It was the most wonderfully touching film.

You are very welcome, SM. It's good to hear that Marge Champion is still vibrantly with us.

Another warm thanks, Haglund, for sharing. My favorite lines (Donald, quoting Billy Elliot) "When I hear the music, electricity goes through my body..." and Ms. Champion's "...to accept every decade for what it gives you, not for what it takes away. So you can't do falls, you can't do lifts, but you can still move with grace."

You're very welcome, Jonathan. I hope Mr. Vander Veer decides to leave it up on Vimeo permanently.

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