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February 20, 2016


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I wonder how tall Martina is.

Don't know. But if you compare her to the height of the table behind her, she appears to be the typical munchkin-sized 10-year-old. There are many other videos of Martina on YouTube that might give a better clue. She's very active on the competition circuit.

On a very non-dance note, I really wanted to see Megan's Sylph because it's one of those roles that I think better suits a petite ballerina. And she's delicate and small enough to make a convincing fairy sprite. Never really understood why someone like Ashley Bouder was cast in this role (apart from her wonderful jumping and allegro abilities). She's very muscular and not the most wispy of dancers.

Ashley Bouder was phenomenal as the Sylph last year, at least I thought so. I was so surprised that it was hard to believe that I was looking at Ashley Bouder. She had completely transformed herself into another style. There's no question in my mind that she achieved the expected wispy-ness for the role of the Sylph.

I too was lucky to be there Thursday evening. I thought both ballets were smashing and Tiler Peck was of course dazzling, but as you said, Lauren King made me really sit up and take notice. For me, King almost stole the show from the always marvelous Peck. Almost. In my mind's eye I began picturing King in a whole of other Balanchine prima roles. That's how much her dancing wowed me.

I totally agree with you KConway. When Lauren rose to soloist with her group a few years back, she clearly had catch-up work to do to be on a par with several of the others. She, IMO, has made the greatest strides and evolved the most. While there is more work to do, I have no doubt that Martins sees her value and potential and will grant her the opportunities she needs to grow.

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