« NYCB 2/12 – La Sylphide, Tsch Piano Concerto No. 2 | Main | Sylph Wrap »

February 15, 2016


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Coming tonight, Haglund. Just saw Nikolaj Hubbe's version in Copenhagen last week and when the the gods killed my connection home to CA in DC, last night, I decided to make a quick detour to NY to do the compare and contrast on productions.

Great Sharon. You'll be seeing Anthony Huxley and Indiana Woodward. It should be a treat.

Andrew Vedette filled in for Joaqun de Luz as James last night at the Kennedy Center's performance of La Sylphide. I thought he and Sterling Hyltin were lovely together. Vedette even performed his variation with a double tour to the left as you recommended!

Good to hear, but I'm sorry that you missed De Luz's James.

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