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April 03, 2016


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There is a petition on Change.org (Spanish version)that asks the Minister of Culture to agree to the conditions that the ballet company needs so that they don't lose Julio.

6900 signatures in about 3 days. The goal is 7500. Here's the link, but it's possible that too many signatures from outside the country could be viewed by Uruguayan officials as affecting the integrity of the petition. I don't really know, but it might.


A couple of updates:

There are now nearly 12,000 signatures on the above referenced petition.

A new article in Espectador.com quotes two of the company dancers as saying they witnessed mistreatment of dancers by Bocca and that is why he took the leave of absence.

From the Google translator:

However, Guillermo Gonzalez and Oscar Escudero two native dancers from the province of San Juan members of Ballet Sodre, told the Diario de Cuyo in Argentina that the removal of Bocca is related to discomfort in the company and with episodes of mistreatment toward the dancers.

"Many things happen in the company and Julio does not have a good attitude with us. You have to get away for the waters to subside. Mistreatment when correcting and when day is requested for study, to give consideration, you out of what you were dancing. Never had talked about this, but it happens always, only we were afraid to say it . that's the truth ," said Gonzalez to said medium. [End of quote]



It sounds like a stressful situation for everyone involved. Here's hoping that the cultural minister resolves this, because if she doesn't, Uruguay's cultural future will be tarnished and set back for decades to come.

This writer [ http://ladiaria.com.uy/articulo/2016/4/callarse-o-no-la-bocca/ ] expands the discussion of what is happening with the ballet to the rest of the country.

There's talk he was offered artistic directorship of ABT. Wonder if Kevin McKenzie is planning to step down.http://www.busqueda.com.uy/nota/julio-bocca-considera-una-propuesta-del-american-ballet-de-nueva-york

Thanks, newyorkie, I think I'll move your link up into the spotlight.

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