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April 02, 2016


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I'm very excited for PA Ballet's future. I absolutely agree with you about Arian!! Wow! What a beautiful dancer. I think the problem with this just past Joyce Theater program was that Angel really had very limited choices in the ballets that would fit on such a tiny stage and backstage area while also showing off as many as he could of his strong, fantastic dancers. Contemporary dance doesn't require as much space as let's say a DonQ pas de Deux or Mr. B's Tchai pas de Deux not alone an Allegro Brilliante. I too wish Angel could have included one classical ballet in his Joyce program, but I completely understand why he didn't. MCB has moved their NYC programs to the Koch Theater although they were first scheduled to be at the Joyce....

I totally agree with you, SZ. Ballets that employ lots of dancers won't fit on the Joyce stage; so, Angel was probably very limited in what he could bring that would have let the most number of dancers shine. You may recall what great rep he brought to the larger stage at City Center with his Corella Ballet and Barcelona Ballet in 2010 and 2012. I guess we'll just have to wait until next time and hope that he books a bigger venue.

Hi Haglund,

I really enjoyed your piece on Pennsylvania Ballet, a company I probably won't see since I'm in Boston. I just wanted to thank you for the review, and for this sentence that truthfully made me laugh out loud while working: "The Accidental fully employed the current trend of gymno-dancing in gymnast’s leotards which, by the way, always make the legs look squatty and the fannies swollen no matter how thin the dancer."

Thanks, Marta. Those gymnast leotards are truly unflattering - no doubt about it.

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