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May 17, 2016


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I saw photos of Kochetkova in Sylvia. She looks like a child in a recital and the costume overwhelmed her. I keep asking myself WHY she had to be carpetbagged into the company when there are many fine, small dancers who could be partners for any of the male principals.

The highlight of the evening for me was Stella's debut in Firebird. She looked like a true principal. Finally!

What an accurate review. Thank you for this, I am quite disgusted by Macauley's inane comments and attempts at influencing dancers. I am finding, in regards to Kochetkova and her ilk, that it is most easy to become and appear flexible on Instagram, but much more difficult for dancers (MC) to cultivate genuine artistry as a professional. It's beyond simple to rely on a large social media following instead of working to become a better dancer. Haglund, do you plan to attend any of the NYCB Serenade performances?

Haglund, I love your posts! So honest and TRUE!!!!! Just out of curiosity which Dancers do you like at ABT or other companies around the world?

Hi, A. Thanks for stopping by H.H. I find it worthwhile to admire nearly all of the dancers in all of the companies that I've seen.

Looks like the verdict is in from Alastair! Guess perhaps the planting of him by Ratmansky worked?! I am not sure if anyone else read this but I just did along with my morning coffee and thought to share:<http://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/18/arts/dance/review-in-gala-american-ballet-theater-is-open-to-debate.html?rref=collection%2Fsectioncollection%2Farts&action=click&contentCollection=arts&region=rank&module=package&version=highlights&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=sectionfront>

Hi, HF.

The favorable review is more likely the result of Alastair being on the hot seat right now for his absurd maligning of Ed Watson for his skin color and hair color, and for his stalking and soiling of dancers' Instagram accounts. His editors, who don't really supervise him, have gotten an earful over both; so, he has to tread lightly and make nice-nice rather than critically review performances.

It is also interesting how long it took for his review to appear, even though much of it was obviously pre-written material. More and more these days, Alastair's reviews read like responses to what he has read on blogs, forums, and Twitter rather than independent thinking.

Also, the ballet itself has marks of pandering to Alastair's relentless call for more same-sex provocative PdDs on stage. So he needs to reward that regardless....

You definitely hit the nail on this head with this Haglund! So true and I felt the same about this influenced review, and that should not be the case if he is indeed a critic!

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