Here's the rest of the quote from Julio Bocca about his desire to direct ABT. It didn't appear in the first article to which we linked below on 5-17, but has surfaced in another online paper today. Previously, he said: "I do not say I do not like to lead the American Ballet, yes I would, but not in the near future."
He also apparently continued afterward to say:
"It is true that I would like to direct the ABT, a company that I know well and love, and where I danced for 20 years. "
Haglund underlined that important part.
Las Vegas odds heavily favor the worthless Board of Directors letting this opportunity slip through its hands, or even throwing it away.
Yes, but he also said that the offer was not real and the magazine made it up. He can desire it, but that doesn't mean a thing.
Posted by: BalconyMember | May 19, 2016 at 01:24 PM
Julio says that the story was the invention of the journalist. I guess we would have to hear from the journalist in order to weigh that. I speculate that it was more likely that the journalist thought that he had a credible source, perhaps someone inside Sodre Ballet.
The intriguing part of all this is that Julio has used it to express a clear desire to direct ABT at some future time. He has put in place at Sodre a co-director and another person in charge of the dancers which would ease transitioning out. What's more, he didn't release a public denial when the story occurred even though he acknowledged that the story caused some problems. He waited until another reporter happened to bring it up in an interview and only then did he say that it was not true.
I will have to disagree with you that if Julio desires it, it doesn't mean a thing. I think it means a lot. He experienced how vibrant ABT was when he arrived under Baryshnikov's direction; he knows how sorry it became under McKenzie's direction. Neither he nor any former principals (not currently on the payroll) have come out in support of McKenzie's direction of the company, and some in fact have been openly critical of it. Julio has universal support and trust, an unbeatable resume, and a critical eye on quality. ABT would be mad not to put together a deal immediately.
Posted by: Haglund | May 19, 2016 at 02:59 PM
Dear Haglund,
Have you seen this link about Stella & Gillian 20th year anniversary with ABT? About Stella's dancing Sleepin Beauty for her 20th year with the company, I dislike the way Kevin said it. Whose fault was it that she was stuck in Soloist rank forever?
Posted by: JustAnotherDancer | May 23, 2016 at 10:53 PM
Thanks much for the link, JAD. It includes some nice footage of both dancers, but McKenzie does wreck it, doesn't he: from his jeans where it looks like his fly is open to his grating, insipid voice to his ignorant words. Does he really think that people are going to believe that he wasn't totally responsible for holding Stella and others back when they should have been promoted? One need look no further than the tired, lifeless, boring McKenzie to see why this company isn't anywhere nearly as spectacular as it should be. Re his last comment: there won't be "justice" at ABT until he is gone.
Posted by: Haglund | May 24, 2016 at 08:38 AM