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July 15, 2016


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Forever would be great! Loved the sets then and I am sure will love them again! I have watched my DVD countless times since they closed and had hoped for a return :) And I know what you mean Haglund, tissues will be with me when I see this again! Thanks for the share Haglund :)

You're very welcome. The show is a terrific family show. I plan to go back during the main run to see the cast settled-in following their preview performances. I do wish they would change the junkyard car's license plate number back to TSE as it seemed to be the only reference in the show to its original source of inspiration – TS Eliot.

Hi Haglund! So glad that you enjoyed this Bway show and write about it with as much enthusiasm as a night at the ballet. I saw some promotional video about this revival that showed that license plate you mention.I think the explanation was that the initials are those of the set designer and the 70 refers to this being the 70th production of CATS that he's done. This revival has a considerably smaller band than the original and new orchestrations as a result. Perhaps John Clancy's new dance arrangements have something to do with that.

Thanks, J. Bowman, for dropping by H.H. with a few very interesting facts. Probably not many will notice the license plate change, anyway. It does seem rather unkind to wipe from the stage the only visual nod to TS Eliot for the benefit of the set designer (who of course created a very nice set).

Sorry to hear about the reduction in the size of the orchestra. That seems to be an unfortunate trend.

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