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August 30, 2016


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Saw this flooding on the news but can't believe Ballet Hispanico got effected, I do hope they will get the help needed to recover and will look out for your fundraising link. Speaking of Hallberg... is he returning to ABT? His name is still on their website but there is no word anywhere I see?

Don't know about Hallberg. I assume that he's still rehabbing.

Hoping rehab is going well for him if so, and forgot to mention a thank you for the Joffrey livestream too! Will be on the lookout :)

You're welcome, H.F.

Hallberg would probably be astonished at the number of people who he's never met and never will meet who are wishing him a successful rehab and looking forward to his return to the stage. I keep hoping that maybe, by the grace of Terpsichore, this spring we'll finally get the Abrera/Hallberg Giselle that we were promised so long ago.

That would be wonderful Haglund, indeed let's hope for the Abrera/Hallberg union, vs a Trenary/Whiteside one as I have seen the call for, since IMO neither has the emotional makings of a great Giselle/Albrecht, let's hope the grace of your Terpsichore works! :)

Agree, H.F.

Snap, crackle, & pop are not what I look for in Giselle and Albrecht, but rice krispies seem to be the empty carbs that some people want at every meal. Wispy not crispy is what a Giselle should be.

Now Kitri is another matter. If Cassie could manage the pyro-technical feats (as opposed to just going for the minimum requirements), she might be a fantastic Kitri. Let's hope that she's working everyday toward that goal. Everyday. Every. Day.

Let me just add that Skylar Brandt already has the technique in spades and would be an instant "go-to" for Kitri, IMO - long before Cassie.

I love your analogy Haglund :))) Indeed Giselle should never be crispy! And agree about Brandt, actually I was quite shocked to not see her on the Aurora list as I enjoyed her dancing for many years.

Well, ABT will need 2 or 3 new Kitris next spring anyway. Maybe we'll get lucky and see both Skylar and Cassie in the role.

Let's not forget our beloved Sarah first and foremost, sure hope the powers that be see her long awaited promotion through! IMO she should have gotten more than one show in Paris, but then I am crying over spilled milk. Wishing her the best of all shows there!

I would love Skylar to get a Kitri performance, I think she has everything needed. She's a little firecracker and the role definitely suits her. If she gets it, would it be her first lead role in a full length ballet or am I forgetting something? Well regardless, I hope she gets it.

Then again, Giselle is a role that would definitely suit Sarah and she's never gotten even remotely close to getting that role. So I wouldn't put it past ABT to make poor casting decisions yet again (I mean, it's not like they haven't done so in that last....decade?).

Skylar is totally ready for Kitri. Totally. She could easily become the best Kitri in the ABT field on her first time out if they were to give her the chance. Last year she had the title role in the Golden Cockerel, and I think that was her first lead. I might be inclined to match her up with Simkin except for the fact that I saw him drop her on her face during their Chinese dance in the Nutcracker -- and I do mean, on her face.

The more I think about it, the more I want to see Skylar as Kitri next spring.

The Bolshoi is in fact coming to NYC next summer, and they are performing a week (?) run of The Taming of the Shrew in addition to a segment from Jewels with NYCB and POB! The Taming of the Shrew was just broadcast in cinemas this past January, and had a great deal of success since, along with their performances in London. Good thing we still get to see them before they hit NYC running, with the opening of the cinema season this October.

Hi, moviegirl.

Thanks much for the tip which seems to be whirling around on the Unofficial Information Exchange (UIEX) as well. Have you observed a formal source for that info?

I wonder if next summer NYC will see more than just a couple of POB dancers in a gig with the Bolshoi. It's really time for them to return en pleine force!

Hi, Yes, the Bolshoi publishes a beautiful brochure for their upcoming season, which you can access via pdf on their site in the press section, link here:


On page 58/59 they have the list of their New York dates, The Taming of the Shrew will be July 26 -30! And Jewels will be performed beginning July 20.

That's fabulous news, moviegirl! My fingers are crossed for a POB tour as well!

I took a look at the ticket availability Sleeping Beauty. It looks as if Lane's single matinee performance is one of the best selling performances of the whole lot.

That's good to hear.

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