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September 26, 2016


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Sorry guys. They're still working on the site - which is beautiful - and they possibly may not want to take credit cards until Oct 1st. So hang in there and keep checking, and definitely get your orders in on Oct 1st.

What a wonderful resource. Thanks for spreading the word Haglund!

You're welcome, SM. Spread the word yourself to parents, teachers, students, dancers, and balletomanes. I would imagine that there are only so many mentees that each mentor can accommodate given their busy professional schedules; so people should probably get their orders in as early as possible.

How wonderful that these dancers are trying to reach the next generation! :) Just looked at the website too and I have to say this is so much better looking than what we have had to live with from ABT! Good for these dancers to do what they are doing and all the best to them and will certainly spread the word! The only question I would have is what the membership offers? It may be still a work in progress but I wonder if they will offer coaching to young dancers or just emails and advice in writing?

Hi, H.F.

I believe the business model allows for electronic messages that are funneled through the website, not emails directly between mentor and mentee. This makes control, measurement, and monitoring possible. However the business model has great extension possibilities. I can imagine educational/mentor website content available only to subscribers, possible guest teaching/performing opportunities, Skype sessions, educational videos, newsletters.

The crew of ten inaugural mentors is a group that I wouldn't hesitate to introduce to any student. These days there are such mixed messages being distributed by other ballet dancers who anoint themselves as role models and mentors to students but then behave in a licentious, narcissistic way. Hopefully, this particular crew of mentors will counsel students to keep their clothes on when posing for Instagram photos and not engage in tasteless public behavior in order to get attention.

Ah the world of new technology! Sounds like a great beginning, and completely agree about proper mentors since many who may be mentored could very well be young impressionable age aspiring dancers.

I love this! Great idea, beautiful website, and oooooh but 15-year-old me would have gone CRAZY for this! Lucky, lucky mentees! Best to all involved!

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