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December 30, 2016


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Alas, Haglund, another year in which I'll have to pass on Veronika's SL. On the plus side of the ledger, however, I'm already planning to see Sarah's Saturday matinee Giselle, and how sweet it would be to spend a few hours in the city awaiting a possible Murphy/Hallberg/Abrera Giselle. I will have to temper my anxiety when they start to shuffle the casts around because you can go from win to lose in the blink of an eye.

Well, Angelica. The UIEX got a tip that the blond one returns to ABT rehearsals next week; perhaps you should make those Saturday plans that you are dreaming about. Really.

Oooooohh!!! Stella Abrera has been cast as the principal role in Onegin! Fantastic news!

Talk about dreams coming through!

Er, true.

I know Veronika was dating Roger O'donnell from The Cure. This is the reason she is dancing.

Hi, Lievy. Do we have the date correct? March 16th? Do you know the name of the choreographer? The poem on which this piece will be based is intriguing and right up Veronika's alley, so to speak.

Based on the just-posted Costa Mesa casting, I would say it's looking good for the not-yet-complete Met Gala casting of Whipped Cream....

Yes, indeed. Thanks so much CMM. Will include this in a separate blog post momentarily.

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