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January 28, 2017


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I always enjoy, and learn from, your reviews. The fact that you comment on casts the NYT often ignores is particularly welcome.

I agree with Jennifer, I learn so much from your posts and it makes me feel like I have been to the performances myself. I can't wait for new on Devon Teuscher's debut.

Fantastic review, as always. I was at that performance of Prodigal with Garcia and Mearns. Sara Mearns didn't impress me as the Siren. I couldn't pinpoint why, but I just wasn't bowled over. There wasn't much chemistry between she and Gonzalo.

Haglund, maybe you know... Where has Ana Sophia Scheller been? She's been cast in very little lately. I think she had one Nutcracker performance. I don't see her in the casting for Sleeping Beauty at all. I wonder if she's retiring.

Hi Della.

I don't know what's going on with Ana Sophia Scheller but I certainly will miss her Aurora in Sleeping Beauty. Maybe that pesky foot injury is still an issue for her. Let's hope we see her back soon.

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