This is big, big, big news from Uruguay's El Pais.
The Minister of Education and Culture, Maria Julia Muñoz, confirmed in Parliament the resignation of Julio Bocca as director of the Ballet Nacional del Sodre. El Pais also contacted the president of the Sodre Board of Directors, Doreen Ibarra, to inquire about the differing versions of the resignation that had been communicated throughout the day. The chief explained that Bocca will cease to be the artistic director from 2018, clarifying that he will continue to be linked to the institution as a "resident teacher or supervisor".
El Pais quotes Telemundo as saying Muñoz told them that she recommended Maria Riccetto as Julio's replacement.
Oh Lord, we need Julio in New York. Come on, Julio ...
If ABT's board has so much as an ounce of brains spread among its members, they will do whatever needs to be done to sign Julio before somebody else does (like San Francisco Ballet or some other company with a director who may be close to retirement).
How much worse do things have to get before the board will pull the trigger and make a change? Look at this pitiful fall season. It is among the worst ever presented, and it will, perhaps appropriately, serve to "celebrate" McKenzie's 25th anniversary. What next? Will McKenzie lose two, three, or four weeks of future spring Met Seasons and then claim that it was all part of his genius plan? Enough is enough. Throw this bum out the door and bring in Julio. There is no reason whatsoever to show any mercy to McKenzie. He should have left more than a dozen years ago but has become entrenched like a tick under a dog's skin.
Oh my! I am keeping all of my fingers and toes crossed! ABT has so much young talent right now that will never be developed under the current regime. They would thrive under Julio! Come on ABT board! Wake up! Don't let this opportunity get away!
Posted by: Sophia | August 30, 2017 at 10:59 PM
People should be writing directly to the members of the ABT Board. Since they seem to have their collective head in the sand, maybe they don't even know that Julio might be available.
Posted by: angelica | August 31, 2017 at 10:48 AM
Much as I would love to see Julio succeed KMcK, remember this: the latter has five more years to go on his contract. That would require a hefty payout in order to give him the gate.
Posted by: Golden Idol | August 31, 2017 at 10:59 AM
Not so, G.I. The board can fire him for cause at any time and has had plenty of legitimate reasons for doing so for many years. But they just sit there and listen to him drone on and on about how no one else could do a better job and how he has saved ABT. This board is the most impotent, irresponsible, dumb-ass board in all of professional ballet. Their only interest in ABT is the opportunity to dress up for its parties.
Posted by: Haglund | August 31, 2017 at 11:10 AM
I hope you're right, but what is cause for us, and what constitutes "cause" in a legal sense to justify termination is quite another. Fraud? Mishandling of funds? I suspect it would take that degree of misconduct in order for "cause" to be actionable. Still, though, I hope you're right.
Posted by: Golden Idol | August 31, 2017 at 11:44 AM
Any reputable board would have mandated he meet objectives. I doubt that a 28% DROP in contributions was an objective, but hey, with this board, one never knows. Given the crisis that McKenzie has foisted onto ABT with his long-term mismanagement, it wouldn't take much of a lawyer to figure out a way to oust him. The public has clearly communicated its lack of confidence in him for many years through dropped subscriptions and fewer donations. Meanwhile, NYCB seems to have no trouble raking in the money. McKenzie had the option years ago to bow out gracefully, but he dug in his heels and the company has suffered terribly (artistically and financially) because of his obstinacy. It's time to stop honoring this loser and give him the boot.
Posted by: Haglund | August 31, 2017 at 12:03 PM
I will donate again if Julio comes back!
Posted by: sherryd | August 31, 2017 at 11:20 PM
Are we saying that McK has a 30-year contract as AD, or do some of those years represent the time he was a dancer? How long is his current contract? I would guess 10 years.
Posted by: angelica | September 01, 2017 at 12:18 PM
ABT desperately needs someone like Julio to turn it around because under McK it is a ship that is sinking fast. However, I have zero confidence in the board. It is made up of buffoons that only care about the mediocre dancers they sponsor (conflict of interest much?). I really hope I am wrong and Julio is chosen.
Posted by: sm | September 01, 2017 at 01:55 PM
Angelica, few outside of ABT know the terms of McKenzie's contract -- only that it is periodically renewed and for some godforsaken reason allocates him a raise every year. What is known for certain is the board's primary responsibility for hiring and firing the chief personnel. That they allow the droning, dull pain of McKenzie's direction to continue truly shows how little they care about ABT. McKenzie wants to choose his own successor and choose someone who will continue his path and prove him right. That's the absolute wrong way to go. He may be lobbying for someone like Robert Hill or Susan Jaffe to take over. It would be a mistake, a huge mistake.
If not Julio, then why not Max and Irina, or Corella? That is precisely the high level of direction and deep institutional knowledge that is needed. ABT's board shouldn't choose its next director based on what McKenzie thinks or wants.
Posted by: Haglund | September 01, 2017 at 02:49 PM
Hi Haglund! Speaking of Max and Irina have you checked out Sarah Lane's and Skylar Brandt's oh and Aran Bell's instagram accounts? Sarah and Aran were working on Black Swan pas de deux and White Swan and Skylar and Aran were working on Don Q all with coaching by Max and Irina. They all look great. Max and Irina would be fabulous for the ABT dancers.
Posted by: Macellisondance | September 01, 2017 at 03:52 PM
Yes, Macellisondance, I've seen the Instagram vids. Max and Irina have just the kind of energy that ABT's dancers need. What a tremendous coup it would be for ABT to get both of them: all that energy, all that expertise, all those high standards, and all that glamour. The Petipa classics would sparkle again. But, oh, how McKenzie would hate to see them take over. lol.
Posted by: Haglund | September 01, 2017 at 04:01 PM