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August 18, 2017


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Thanks to our Washington DC Haglund'eeler for this article in this morning's Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2017/08/19/trump-first-lady-to-skip-kennedy-center-honors-over-concerns-of-political-distraction/?deferJs=true&outputType=default-article&utm_term=.c1b16fb1a596 It seems the KC Honors will be celebrated without a President and First Lady this year. Darn it, weren't we all looking forward to watching a public reprimand on PBS like the one Pence got when he attended Hamilton?

This piece is excellent, and puts into words everything I think and feel about ballet and politics. Thank you, Haglund! May you and your beautiful kitties enjoy your downtime.

The president would attend the ceremony only if HE were one of the honorees.

Georgiann, thank you so much.

Angelica, if the KC Awards continue in their present celebrity-trumps-artistry direction, he could "earn" one soon.

Terrific commentary, as always, Haglund. And love seeing your beautiful sweetiecats.

Thank you, Haglund. That's a great piece! Having lived through the Vietnam era, I appreciate a glimpse of the exhibition.

I'm skipping fall ABT completely. The only attraction would have been Other Dances but not with those casts.

Thanks, J and Marta.

I agree that Other Dances could be worthwhile, but the match-ups are not appealing at all. (If the two casts would switch partners, then there would be one performance to see.) Hopefully, Cornejo will get one of the TBAs. The dancer who I think could really bring this piece back to life is Shevchenko – paired with Gorak or the young corpsman Klein. That would create some buzz based on the artistic possibilities.

I was only interested in Symphonic Variations and Other Dances. But I'm not paying for a whole ticket just so I can watch 10 to 15 minutes of one ballet.

The casting of Other Dances is just sad. There are so many newly promoted principals who could do this work justice. I wish Simkin/Lane had been cast, they would have been perfect for this ballet and it would have capitalized on their Spring momentum. Why wasn't Murphy cast with Hallberg?

melponeme_k, Murphy wasn't cast with Hallberg because McKenzie knew that no one would go to the other pair's performances. Sad, but true. There simply isn't enough high quality choreography to make a season and there is too much offensive manipulation of the schedule to try to force people to watch what they don't want to buy. As you pointed out, melponeme_k, people are not going to pay for a whole ticket just to watch 10 to 15 minutes of one ballet.

McKenzie just keeps re-trying what doesn't work while hoping for a different result. It's moronic. Let us not forget that ABT is actually celebrating 25 years of this crappy kind of directing.

ABT will have to give away most of the house each night like it did during the Met Season and hope that everyone will be fooled into thinking they've got a sell-out. There are still plenty of fools out there who think they're seeing good ballet because a bunch of folks with free tickets (who will never buy their own or donate) are screaming their heads off.

It's obvious, the wrong ABT dancer was pushed out. There are a few that are not carrying their weight. Why they continue to stay is a mystery.

Meanwhile no one is doing anything in the way of building star power. Any sane company is continually experimenting with dance partnerships in order to get fans in seats. If something like Lane/Simkin fell into the laps of any other company...they would thank their lucky stars. What does ABT do? Separate them. Does anyone in their marketing department do any advising? Do they listen? Or is it still the PR for one dancer who will not be named?

Don't get me started on how the company neglects its Corps dancers. What is there for them to do this fall? Shouldn't they be included as part of the company?

I'm just saying NO to the Fall season at ABT. Worthless drivel is right. Millepied is trash.

On the up side, Megan Fairchild is going to be cast as O/O at NYCB this fall. That is a performance I will make a point of seeing.

Perhaps we should consider ourselves lucky that ABT didn't try to revive Ben's Bach masterpiece Troika. 🙄 Sorry to remind everyone of it...

Looking forward: I hate Dylan, loveTharp. What to do?

KB, give it a try. Current times are closer to the sixties and seventies than most people realize. Practically a reincarnation. Let's see what Twyla comes up with.


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