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October 15, 2017


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Thank you for capturing this fun moment for posterity, Haglund!
P.S. This looks close to my view! If I may ask, would you happen to be the one with the cam in the first ring side?

Nope. First Ring is way out of my budget. Way out.

Glad to hear you were at the performance -- an excellent afternoon.

How lovely. Sad to see this chapter end but there is always an ending.

Hi, Deanna.

Sad, yes indeed, but at least we will see Robbie on stage doing what he loves. Brigadoon is coming up, and tickets are now on sale for his Frankenstein gig which he is choreographing and performing in. The show will be at Signature Theater on 42nd Street in the Irene Diamond Theater where Herman Cornejo and Alessandra Ferri performed in Martha Clarke's Cheri. The audience is very close to the performers in this theater. It will be a real treat!!!!

Also, while thinking over Robbie's departure on Sunday, I was noticing the brand new Ethan Fuller, former Billy Elliot, who has been given some hefty corps responsibilities even before his bio has gotten to NYCB's website. He's a very interesting and handsome young dancer. And then there was Mimi Staker who really kicked ass in Square Dance - gorgeous, tall-ish with long limbs, moves like lightning. Hello to the future.

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