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February 14, 2018


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The current NYT utter nonsense aside - I'm glad to hear you didn't like the NYCB version either. I had trouble sitting through it. The costumes in particular made my head hurt they're so ugly. Currently trying to decide whether to brave the Boston Ballet Cranko R&J in March....

YES, you should definitely see Cranko's R&J. Go to a performance early in the run so that you have the opportunity to see it a second time if you want. But definitely go.

Hope more principal roles come in Harrison Coll's way. I'm skipping R&J altogether. I'm sad to miss his Romeo debut, but I'm absolutely thrilled for him. I was a bit disappointed he wasn't promoted to soloist, but Troy Schumacher was. Coll is a dynamic presence on stage, and I find Schumacher a bit bland.

I was thinking that the only other male dancer I like as much as Robert Fairchild was Amar Ramasar. I find they both give me the impression that their dancing is in the "present", and that their attention is fully on their performance, and not running through list of corrections from rehearsal. They just look so goddamn happy and spontaneous on stage. Daniel Ulbricht gives me the same impression, but his rep seems limited due to his height. Of the men in the lower ranks, Coll is the first one that sprang to mind. With Amar taking time off for Carousel, I hope Coll gets a shot at some of Robbie & Amar's roles. A lot of Robbins in the spring!

Did you get a chance to see Roman Mejia in Four Seasons? I couldn't go, but he seems to be having a quick ascent. He's also debuting as Mercutio. With Joaquin de Luz getting older (but still incredible) and Andrew Veyette's dancing looking more and more diminished, NYCB needs to replenish its male ranks with virtuosos.

Washington Ballet presents Cranko's R & J starting tonight! Looking forward.

Hi, Jennifer. This is WB's most ambitious undertaking to date, and it appears to be selling relatively well in the big opera house. All the casts look great but I'll bet that EunWon Lee and Gian Carlo Perez knock it out of the park tonight (Thurs) and at the Saturday matinee.

Send us your notes on the performances you see.


I did see Roman Mejia in Four Seasons. Fabulous dancer with a burning stage persona. Can't wait to see him in Fancy Free.

So according to Alastair Macaulay's instagram post from tonight's R&J, he's never taken a ballet class. Not one time. Mind. Blown. GO TAKE A BALLET CLASS!!! Go to Steps or the Joffrey adult program. Go once!! Just, wow. [The post is of a video of him bourree-ing his way through the silver balloons with this caption, "The new rainforest of silver balloons (a kind of kitsch imitation of the Andy Warhol silver clouds used in Merce Cunningham’s 1968 “RainForest”) at the New York State Theater prompted me to a fresh string of bourrées tonight. To appreciate the extent of my lunacy, remember that I have never taken a ballet class."

As for the performance, I was there as well. This isn't my favorite version but I thought that Tiler Peck was phenom.

True, Catherine. The NYT chief music critic is a bone fide musician and music teacher at the collegiate level.

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