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February 25, 2018


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Hi Haglund,

I love your review! It's particularly special because I'm seeing this program next week and am thrilled that Kowroski is dancing in Agon. I've never seen "Baiser" and am really looking forward to it. Thanks as always.

It's a great program, Marta. The dancers seem to understand what a privilege it is to be out there dancing these wonderful ballets, and they're giving them everything they have to give.

I was so enthralled by your review, Haglund, that I bought a ticket for Tuesday night!

Angelica, I was there again last night. Erica Pereira is really having a breaththrough season. She was absolutely gorgeous in Le Baiser and danced with a new expressiveness in her upper body, particularly in her head and neck, and expansiveness & range in her movement. The new Erica also appeared in Symphony in Three Movements, repeating her confident and very energetic performance of Monday night. It's as if Sleeping Beauty was suddenly awoken in the dead of winter.

Hi Haglund. Here's an article from Vogue describing De Luz's recovery from injury and lead role in designing a fitness and injury prevention program for fellow dancers at NYCB. Sara Mearns is also shown in gifs impressively demonstrating some of their exercises. I won't be trying them at home!


I loved Pereira on Tuesday night. I thought I was attending the performance mainly to see Maria do what only Maria can do, but I loved Erica the moment she came onstage. It's such a joy to discover a new dancer to love. Since I'd never seen the "old" Erica, I can't speak for the transformation, but I'm glad I was there to see her breakout performances.

This program is truly a winner. My favorite so far. I cannot wait to see it again this weekend. I cannot wait to see Sterling in Symphony in Three Movements.

Two years ago, I was intimidated by anything Stravinsky, but because of NYCB, I now look forward to every ballet Mr. B choreographed to Stravinsky's music. I'm kicking myself for waiting until this week to see Agon. What a masterpiece. I'm absolutely loving Anthony Huxley in the 1st Pd3.

Baiser was the first time I was truly impressed with Erica Pereira.

According to Megan Fairchild's instagram, Joaquin will be retiring in the Fall.

He really stoked it last night with Megan in Baiser. So happy I was there.

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