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April 26, 2018


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Glad to see Abi back on the casting sheet. I don't know why she had been relatively absent for so long, only doing a Nutcracker now and then. Maybe she and Martins didn't get on so well. I know she had a baby but that was a few years ago now. She still has a lot to give.

I'm happy to hear that Abi is seeing more stage time as well. Maybe it's because her brother is now in charge, but I'm a relatively new NYCB fan and I assumed she was just injured/old/bland. Maybe it was Martins? She's great!

I don't think there is much validity to the speculation as to the reasons Abi hasn't been on stage frequently other than injury and pregnancy, both of which certainly interrupt a career. Sometimes it's a matter of the season's rep being less geared to one's skill set and more geared to another dancer's talents. We've been watching her for 18 years. If one is new to attending NYCB, one has missed most of her career which was quite active for several years.

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