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April 30, 2018


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This review is even more envy-provoking for an out-of-towner than usual, so, um, thanks!

Recently saw Pinchas Zukerman perform the Double Concerto with our local symphony. Much faith in humanity was restored. Concerto Barocco might be the piece I'd most like to see live.

Lucky you! Pinchas Zukerman is a favorite of mine. When he was the director of the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra, I would go every Sunday to hear him play violin or viola, or see him conduct -- or do both. I can imagine that his Double Concerto was quite the treat.

hi Haglund,

Terrific review, thanks. I was at the Sunday April 29 performance and was especially excited to see Tschai PdD for the first time in the theater. I was disappointed not to see Peck or Fairchild with de Luz, and frankly didn't have high expectations for Mearns & Angle. I was particularly surprised by Angle's relatively fast feet. You summed it up perfectly: No new pinnacle in virtuosity, but ... "seeing both dancers successfully execute difficult combinations not frequently present in their reps was satisfying." And fun. I enjoyed Catazaro's Apollo but it seems still in the potential stage. Tombeau is not one of my favorite Balanchines, but Symphony in Three is, and this performance was great!

Thanks, Marta. I agree that Catazaro's Apollo character is still unrealized. The temptation is to say it has something to do with his physical appearance which makes it hard to suggest Apollo's immaturity. But Adrian Danchig-Waring has the same "problem" and resolved it through his acting with such authority that he was 100% believable. Catazaro will find his way through the role eventually, I'm sure.

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