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October 14, 2018


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Dear Haglund. I came from California to see this production. . I was stunned and pleasantly surprised at how wonderful it was! Every single cast member was totally in to their character. I can’t speak enough about the acting as well as the superior dancing. Angel has done wonders with this. Sterling has grown so much as a dancer and it was thrilling to see. It was goosebump time throughout. I am seeing the Sunday matinee today, as Sterling is dancing again. (Ze Cheng Liang is injured). This whole experience is well worth the long trip. Don’t miss it.

You're a ballet warrior, MoMo! No wonder the Thursday night audience seemed larger than usual if people came in from California to see this R&J. I observed other New Yorkers in attendance at the premiere as well. It was a happy crowd.

I sort of wished that Angel had incorporated the rise of the curtain at the end to reveal R&J lying in their concluding poses, but perhaps that wasn't part of the 1992 staging. It always delivers a dramatic wallop.

Going to see Saturday evening performance. Unfortunately got the tickets in advance before casting was announced so will not see Baca and DiPiazza, but I do hope the second cast is just as good.

I was completely wiped out at the end of the opening night performance. The emotions projected by Not only Sterling and Lillian, but also Ian. He was frightening. And he was my favorite Romeo when the company did the Cranko version. I loved every minute. Deborah Komins

Haglund, what a magical treat this was! Just left the 8 o'clock performance and I am stunned. This was such a full complex performance from the entire cast, but to me the standouts were menacing Hussey, Askegard who fully inhabited Lord Capulet, Russell Ducker who sparkled as Benvolio, and finally Arian Molina Soca and Mayara Pineiro as R&J. Her Juliet starts out playful and girlish in Act I and by the Act III her love for Romeo consumed, matured and strengthened her into a furiously rebellious daughter and finally a heart broken woman. Gorgeous production. So glad I saw it!

I'm so happy that you were able to make it to one of PA Ballet's R&Js. I also want to mention what a terrific Tybalt Aaron Anker was at the Friday matinee. And yes, not only was Ian Hussey a dark and complex Tybalt with the opening night cast, he was also an authoritative and dramatic Escalus on Friday. So much to love at PA Ballet these days. Can't wait for their Giselle in March!

We attended the Saturday, October 20th matinee performance of Romeo & Juliet with almost the same cast as Haglund. Sterling Baca was so authentic as Romeo I was moved to tears. Baca may have gotten somewhat emotional himself during the final act. His turns, dancing and lifts were superb and looked effortless. What a magnificent performance. Lillian DiPiazza was so convincing as Juliet and the pair had such elegant and graceful movement together. Mercutio was danced by Ashton Roxander who was extremely sure and fast footed and quite the cutup. Ian Hussey was well cast as Tybalt and has never looked more menacing or serious. The entire cast right down to the harlots never broke character and played their roles believably. This was one of the best performances of R&J I have seen in years. Under Angel Corella’s guidance PA Ballet is now a force to be reckoned with. Do you hear that ABT? Quit casting dancers based on celebrity status and bring some integrity back to ballet.

All good to hear, S. Francois. I wish I could have made it to the final Sunday performance as well.

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