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November 20, 2018


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What a great program. And brava to Skylar for pulling off a fantastic performance on such short notice. Julian is also fabulous.

What a great pair they make! Now wouldn't it be special if they could perform the entire ballet at the Met together in Spring 2020? I think it would sell well, especially if Skylar gets a promotion before then.

That would be fantastic, Angelica; but as we know all too well, ABT is averse to fantastic ideas.

The company could also mount a tremendous production of Ratmansky's Flames of Paris with Skylar, Sarah, and Betsy McBride in the leads. But that could mean NOT featuring the principals who canNOT do the steps; and as we know all too well, ABT is averse to that, too.

Brandt looked fantastic.

I remember rushing to see her debut in Corsaire two years ago. She absolutely nailed it with just a few nights rehearsal and held her own against Cornejo, Lane and Simkin. I thought and still think she is a star in the making.

Lets hope ABT builds on the momentum she is creating.

Yes, Melponeme, let's also hope that McK doesn't do anything to get in her way.

Skylar looks fantastic. Her Giselle was fabulous, but Margarita is a revelation. I am amazed that she was able to learn the PDD in just three days and nail the character so precisely. True star in the making. Somehow the future of ABT does not look so grim any more.

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