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December 17, 2018


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I like the musical accompaniment, and thanks for the review.

Thanks for the excellent review and the satire, Haglund. A smile is always welcome. So sorry I won't get to see it this year.

You're both welcome.

I find satire almost as comforting as Smirnoff in these times.

It just occurred to me that readers who aren't familiar with the battle scene in Balanchine's Nutcracker might think that Haglund has been enjoying too much Smirnoff. It's possible.

Did u see Erica and Daniel Dance together at the Matinee
on the 21st? If u day how were they?

Hi, Marshall.

Yes, I did indeed see them, and they were wonderful. Erica was luminous and clearly thrilled to be part of Daniel's debut. He made the most of the 10 minute role of the Cavalier with his impeccable partnering and lightning fast turns a la seconde. There were a lot of people in the audience audibly very happy that Daniel finally got this opportunity. I'm glad that I could be there, too.

Any idea why Lauren Lovette is missing from NYCB Nutcracker casting? She has been posting about guesting gigs so she isn't injured.

No idea, L.

I know that she's been utilizing the choreography grant that she got through NYU. Her working clips on I-G make me even less interested in that aspect of her development.

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