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April 05, 2019


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I saw the documentary last night but wasn't impressed. There should have been much more footage of Nureyev than the dancers enacting his life. Dancing Through Darkness is much better.

Hi, Nicole.

I'll have to agree about those dancers enacting his life. Using marginal contemporary dancers who didn't approach a ballet professional level to depict Nureyev's life events was the major failing of the film. The whole concept was misguided. Had they cut those sequences and incorporated more footage of Nureyev and more historical cultural film tying it all to the times, it would have been a better documentary.

However, seeing the R&J balcony scene by Nureyev and Fonteyn on such a huge screen left me breathless. He so fearlessly invested himself in that role and most all other roles that it's almost more remarkable than the steps he actually did. I wish there were artists today who could love ballet as much as he did. I really wish...

Agree with all the above. I could have watched archival footage and Avedon photos all night long and been a very happy camper.

Hi Haglund,

I completely agree that the contemporary dancers in the birch forest environment, with the dirgelike music, and the endlessly pirouetting Rudi superimposed on the side, really really was the major negative of this film. And it kept repeating! I generally don't like reenactments anyway. I longed to see more of the real Rudi. I saw him in R&J in [yikes] 1968 in NY, not with Fonteyn but Merle Park. He was at his prime in the first decade or so in the West. The filmmakers should really delete all the Maliphant dances and add more Rudi!

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