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October 15, 2019


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Great season wrap-up! How unfortunate for Symphony in C. I was thinking of attending the Sunday performance since I didn't feel like I got my dose of Bizet this season, but ended up not going. The performance I saw had no major mishaps, but was kind of low on energy.

I agree about Emilie Gerrity. Absolutely breathtaking in Serenade! I hope she gets to dance Sanguinic again come Spring.

Megan Fairchild has also been delivering at every performance I saw her in.

So true about Megan. Her artistry has continued evolving to a higher level.

Not a fan of Megan LeCrone. I just can't get past the glowering facial expression. It's incredibly distracting.

Bouder needs to start edging firmly towards retirement. Her physique doesn't look svelte anymore and the Broadway jazz hands and "wow!" face is like a slurpee-induced headache.

Speaking of her, Amar posted a pic from the performance last night saying au revoir (for now) to the company and tagged everyone on stage but Bouder. I assume she still has the crazed MeToo vendetta against him going on.

Former Dancer, I was kind of hoping that Amar would back out of WSS. I can appreciate how the experience will look good on his resume, but the manner in which the production has been completely gutted of Jerome Robbins is offensive to me and should be offensive to all of NYCB and the Robbins Foundation. Also, there is nothing about the Broadway re-make that suggests it will be a success for any reason other than the name of the production and everyone's memory of the original. As much as I admire Amar, I doubt that I will go see the musical. I wish he would spend his time dancing to the natural conclusion of his career at NYCB and then move on to Broadway or whatever.

And right you are about Bouder. "Time's Up" for her.

Hi Haglund,
I agree completely that Gerrity and Hoxha highly deserve the H.H. Pump Bump award. Bravi to both! For the first time, I saw a lot of Gerrity last week in Serenade, Summerspace and Dances at a Gathering. She's wonderful. I've been noticing Hoxha for a while, admiring his attack and speedy feet. Why have they not been promoted yet? I really liked Joe Gordon in DaaG and Tschai PC#2. And yes, I enjoyed Summerspace. Naturally it wasn't idiomatic but the dancers were so focused with such clean technique. Those jumps and hops for the men looked devilishly difficult. Thanks as always for your thought provoking reviews.

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