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October 20, 2019


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Did you see Stella has announced that she's retiring with Giselle in June? So sad to see her go when she had to wait so long to get her big and beautiful roles.

Fingers and toes crossed that Brandt is given a Giselle if ABT does a full week of them. And of course will want to see Sarah Lane's as well. Might be quite a full week of Giselles. Is the Giselle mobile ready?

It really is too bad. Both times I saw her in Giselle, she had a problem with the hops en pointe, and I think she might have been injured or still recovering from one at the time. It's probably for the best. I will miss her presence on the Met stage.

Hopefully Stella will be 100% come next June and will be able fully dance the role. Her last Giselle was a heartbreaker due to the many technical difficulties she encountered throughout Act I. Giselle is a two-act ballet; one needs to be able to dance both acts.

It would be nice if Hallberg or Marcelo Gomes would sign on to be her Albrecht.

Stella was magnificent in her debut with Shklyarov. It's the performance I will always remember. Unfortunately her technique started to deteriorate slowly after that year. It's a pity that she never was given a chance to dance O/O with the Theatre.

ITA, tulle.

Blaine was definitely deserves an award for his performances in both the Tharp and The Seasons. He looked phenomenal in his tutu. Really wished he had danced in Theme, but not sure much could save it at that tempo. Gorak has a lovely tendu, but he looked like he was being so careful to do the steps, and that is not Balanchine. Brandt was dancing with attack, but she was ahead of the other demis and it was distracting. Sarah's technique is so lovely and clean and I'm always happy to see her dance, but I still think I need to avoid Balanchine at ABT.

This still comes as a shock injury or not, Stella will be missed, and totally agree with Haglund about having Hallberg or Marcelo back for this special moment! Hallberg just did Manon at the Royal! Feels like the golden age of ABT is slowly dwindling and should be of great concern to KM!?! These days it just feels like all that jazz and Broadway, maybe they should call it American Broadway Theatre?

Well, you know, HF, we were supposed to get that Abrera/Hallberg Giselle a decade or two ago.

Yes yes so true and what annoy me most about this is after waiting all these years for KM to make a decision, and not until another (who’s name I need not mention) who got a promotion that Stella got hers, and now it’s too late :(

There's no reason why Blaine Hoven couldn't have performed T&V with Sarah Lane. He's outstanding with lyrical ballerinas; great with Lane in Manon, and a great partner for Veronica Part the few times they danced together before her departure. Management's insistence on Lane dancing with Gorak mirrors the way Stella was constantly paired with the hapless Hammoudi, dimming the luster of an entire performance despite the ballerina's golden glow. This endless waste at ABT is exhausting and soulless.

All true, LLF, sadly.

For the record-- Tharp's Gathering of Ghosts is set to Brahms String QUINTET op. 111. The Playbill has it wrong, labeling it a Quartet.

Thanks much for the correction, J Bowman.

Everything was better last night, Haglund, including Devon Teuscher and Cory Stearns in T&V, except for Cory's double tours, which found him moving sideways across the stage. In particular, Stella brought her singular elegance to The Spirit of the Corn, making the entire ballet, The Seasons, so much better than last Saturday night.

I agree, Angelica. But Cory's problems went beyond the double tours. His feet were usually not strongly pointed; his grand allegro was on the small side for such a tall man; and he let out such a grunt on the heave-ho of Devon to his shoulder that he made it look like she weighed 200 lbs (I'll swear she took a bounce when he threw her up there.)

Stella was truly lovely in The Seasons (as she was as Terpsichore). It's so easy to see her influence on Ratmansky's choreography. And didn't she and Forster look sensational together? Forster would do so well at NYCB where they have a roster of brilliant Amazons coming up the ranks and are in need of a dancer just like Tom. He is so fast in his allegro and so strong, it just seems a shame that he's not getting the opportunities or recognition that he deserves. Imagine how tickled pink Miriam Miller, Isabella LaFreniere, Christina Clark, Mira Nadon, Sara Mearns, and Tess Reichlen would be to be dancing in front of Forster. McKenzie couldn't wait to dump his tallest and most glorious dancer, Veronika Part, and he obviously is filling the future of ABT with non-tall dancers. Forster's height is of no use to him whereas it would be invaluable to NYCB.

In The Seasons I enjoyed Zimmi Coker, too, as well as Cassandra Trenary, Courtney Lavine, and Betsy McBride. Courtney, in particular, showed tremendous confidence, attack, and articulation in her solo work. I'm afraid I didn't find the dancing of Zhong-Jing Fang or Gabe Shayer particularly appealing.

ITA with everything you say, Haglund. In particular, Zimmi Coker looked right at home dancing with three soloists, and I'm so pleased to see Courtney Lavine being given demi opportunities. Am indulging myself tonight by seeing Deuce Coupe, among the other ballets.

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