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November 24, 2019


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I totally agree with your last comment! Every dancer has been there, but how many apprentices, and Corp members would die to see their name under a matinee Sugar Plum or Dew Drop? Also, if anyone should complain, it should be the corps members who perform every single show of snow and flowers, meanwhile swallowing a plastic bottle worth of plastic. Spare me your weekend of principal roles, and your guest weekends where you’re making 5 grand.
Also, it makes me think back on Paloma’s statements about the change of atmosphere in the class room. Dancers sharing their social lives, instead of perfecting their plies or going over their artistic intent. I’m sure Balanchine would roll over in his grave to see the extent at which some dancers extort themselves for popularity.

I do so agree with your last paragraph, Haglund, and with Mr.G. Also, the last thing I want to see is a dancer who has thrown herself on the floor for a selfie for everyone to see how tired she is after a performance or gripe about a role. This attitude does color their stage performance.

Good to have you back, Haglund. HAve a great Thanksgiving!

I would love to see Ratmansky's Giselle, it got wonderful reviews. I hope he brings it to ABT soon.

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