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April 24, 2020


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Its painful to watch Alina as Aurora. She lacks grace, cant balance, and has terrible arms and a goofy frozen grin. If you want to be moved, watch the clip of Cynthia Gregora in the rose adagio. That's ART.

Thanks for giving us the heads up on the available streamed performances and persevering with the demands to make performances by NYCB and ABT available to the public.

Aneva, I totally agree with you. My goodness, what was the Mariinsky thinking when they decided to broadcast a Sleeping Beauty with both Somova and Skorik dancing? That said, Kristina Shapran as the Lilac Fairy was lovely as were several of the Fairies.


You are most welcome. NYCB and ABT are way, way behind the rest of the world when it comes to digital presentations. Like I said before, if a company just sits on its assets and refuses to utilize digital material to the fullest during the normal course of business and especially during a crisis, why should anyone give them money? It's time for management to stand up to the unions on this matter. I can imagine what would have happened if I ever told my boss, "You know that fabulous spreadsheet that I concocted that you used to seal your multi-million dollar deal -- well, I'd like a percentage of the deal." Yeah, right.

Good answer and No one could offer a good counter or defense to your argument comparing one's ownership of a spreadsheet created for their EMPLOYER. Good for you

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