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June 16, 2020


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I first saw her in the corps of ABT's "Swan Lake" in 2000 - she was in the front line. I knew she had something special.

I hope that things work out for Ricetto. I remember a beautiful Duo Concertant with Hallberg...a rare time when ABT did Balanchine justice. I recently saw her starring in a South American all-stars gala at the main opera house in Santiago, Chile...Coppelia pdd with fellow Sodre principal Gustavo Carvalho.

Maria was among that group of soloist women (Ricetto, Kajiya, Abrera, Lane) whose careers got derailed during McKenzie's "Star Strategy" decade when he brought in guest dancer after guest dancer for principal roles and used the talented soloists as wallpaper. Sadly, this generation's brilliance was muted because of it.

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