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July 23, 2020


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Oh, this is so fantastic. I love hearing Julio and Nina chatting --what careers!

Thanks for posting, Haglund. The makes up for the lack of streams from ABT (of full ballets from their archives, that all fans can access).

Speaking of streams, DTHarlem’s generous digital season concludes with TWO different casts of the 1974 masterpiece Dougla (G. Holder/T. Leon): first, at 6pm EST, a repeat of the 1977 PBS telecast; at 8pm EST, the first showing of the 2018/19 revival at City Center, NY.
DTH’s Youtube link:

Thanks, Jeannette.

That's TONIGHT, everybody. It's a very dramatic and powerful piece by Geoffrey Holder. Also, incredible costumes and makeup.

Most of Nina talks are in Russian but besides the ones that Haglund so nice provide there is one more in English with Ben Stevenson.

Thanks much, Balletlover. Here's the direct link to that chat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hImeM7Dmd7k

Nina's interviews with Maria Kochetkova and Misty Copeland are also in English.

Thanks so much,H for letting us know about Nina's interviews. The one with Bocce was wonderful. I saw them both perform many times. As I watched, I reflected on how I miss their artistry. I will watch the others for sure.

Nina add interviews with Angel Corella and the director form Royal Ballet in English.

Thanks much! Here are the links:

Nina chats with Angel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBB0g5CZCZ4

Nina chats with Kevin O'Hare: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Imb2HdI6IA

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