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September 17, 2020


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Thanks for sharing the info, Haglund. Sounds like two winning programs...with many of my favorite dancers from the summer digital season. I’ll see if I can exchange some of my unused Amtrak credits for this.

Be sure to check the event ticket link, because attendance is limited.

It's a shame that neither NYCB nor ABT has been able to work with the city to present an outdoor performance. There are venues that could accommodate sufficient number of audience members correctly spaced out (physically, anyway).

True. Damrosch Park would be perfect. Stage, space, good sight lines. It is also a space where attendance can be limited and supervised. They could even sell tickets online.

I keep thinking that this is what was referenced in the recent Washington Post article that said, "At Lincoln Center, Timms said, plans are being worked out for a 400-seat socially distanced outdoor space for ballet and other arts."

Maybe it will happen...

too bizarre-- 45 years ago I babysat for a family there.
Fingers crossed for good weather

Hopefully, they will get the good weather. They have rain dates planned out in the event they don't.

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