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October 13, 2020


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Finally had an hour to sit and enjoy the performances. And I pretty much liked the entire group of selections chosen. Quite impressed by Emily Kikta in the "Brahms-Schoenberg Quartet" (girl eats up space and never loses that romantic wind blown quality). "Duo Concertante" was quirky with an undertone of....I don't know...sweetness? Tenderness? I think I need to see it again before I can honestly say I truly liked it. "Symphony in C" is such a showstopper finale ballet and the bling on display almost outshines the crystalline technique of the company. "Dances..." was, for me, the best of the evening....the ending got to me...seeing the cast peering out into the vastness of the theatre, almost with haunted looks as if seeing into the future, having a premonition of what was on its' way to us...and then their gracious bows to each other, their strolling together making their way offstage....nothing like the power of art, and dance in particular, to cause ones' eyes to fill up simply because you are happy and grateful to see such beauty.....

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