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November 23, 2020


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The enthusiasm about last night’s ABT stream is deafening!

I’m counting down to tomorrow’s stream of the Royal Danish Ballet’s newest edition of La Sylphide (the 3rd rethinking by Hubbe, with new colorful designs). Details from RDB ballerina Ida Praetorius’ FB site:

LOL, Jeannette. I may have a few thoughts about it later today.

Jeannette, do you have the link for the KGL Xtra platform where La Sylphide will be shown? Is it YouTube, FB or the website? Free or not free?

Oops. I thought that I cc’d the right link:

That contains details, which I typed below...very slowly! It is free and, that I read in comments on the theatre’s FB page, not geoblocked.

Wed, Nov 25, 2020 at 8pm UTC+01 (2pm Eastern US, I think...pls confirm, someone)


This location was stolen by force from the Navajo, etc.

And how did the Navajo get it?

Shawn, contrived social conscience only goes so deep before it loses its adolescent appeal.

Thanks Jeannette. Your link didn't work for me, but here's a paste from the FB page that did:


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