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December 25, 2020


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Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas, Haglund and kitties!

Hope your Christmas was merry. Wishing good health and cheer for the upcoming New Year.

Happy New Year, Haglund.
Coming soon: Happy regime change.

Happy New Year! We are going to celebrate by streaming the Royal Ballets Don Q with Marienela.

Happy New Year! Wishing that 2021 finds us back inside the theatres!

Happy New Year to your cats and you, Haglund. (Being cat people, we know that cats take precedence over people.) Let's hope we will be reading your insightful takes on performances in the new year that you see in the flesh.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your beautiful kitties!!!!!! Thank you for sharing your thoughtful and insightful views will all of us. Every time I go onto your website and see a new post, may day brightens!

Merry Christmas Haglund & remember -

We will survive!

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