ABT and New York City Center will stream A Ratmansky Celebration beginning on March 23rd. The program, which was recently taped on stage at City Center, will be available on demand through April 18th. For $25, here's what we'll see.
"Rose Adagio" from The Sleeping Beauty
Cast: Skylar Brandt, Aran Bell, Patrick Frenette, Blaine Hoven, and Tyler Maloney
Seven Sonatas Second Movement
Cast: Herman Cornejo, Luciana Paris, Carlos Gonzalez, Devon Teuscher
The Seasons Pas de Deux
Cast: Isabella Boylston and James Whiteside
Bernstein in a Bubble World Premiere
Choreography by Alexei Ratmansky
Music by Leonard Bernstein (Divertimento)
Lighting Design by Brad Fields
Cast: Aran Bell, Skylar Brandt, Patrick Frenette, Blaine Hoven, Catherine Hurlin, Tyler Maloney, and Cassandra Trenary
As always with ABT, the casting determines whether it's watchable or not. The opportunity to see Skylar Brandt's nascent Rose Adagio should not be missed. This Aurora has been incubating for more than a year under the attentive, obsessed-with-detail coaching of Irina Dvorovenko and Max Beloserkovsky. We are, indeed, fortunate to get a glimpse of what may turn out to be not only a dream Aurora, but Ratmansky's dream Aurora as well.
The Rose Adagio segment was assembled by Nancy Raffa during a quarantine bubble in Silver Bay. The featured princes, which thankfully include Blaine Hoven and Patrick Frenette, are a first rate team of partners.
Missing from this taped performance are Tom Forster and Christine Shevchenko. They would have made a particularly attractive pair in The Seasons PdD.
So, $25 to watch a couple of PdDs, 1/7 of Seven Sonatas, and a new piece may or may not turn out to be worth the price.
Tickets for the stream go on sale on March 1st at noon on the NY City Center website.
Thanks, Haglund, but I’m not sure that I want to pop $25 for such a skimpy program, especially with ABT’s pitiful track record of “create-in-place/PC-Matic” offerings during this past full COVID year. I’ll read the reviews before committing anything.
Posted by: Jeannette | March 03, 2021 at 12:58 PM
LOL. PC-Matic.
Posted by: Haglund | March 03, 2021 at 01:18 PM
McKenzie stepping down apparently
Posted by: Rachel Perez | March 25, 2021 at 05:27 PM