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February 27, 2021


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Yes, oh yes! At first I found having the orchestra hovering above the stage a bit disconcerting and I had some issues with buffering. Overall, I really think these live streams are the way of the future. It was wonderful.I want more.

Can someone please provide a link to the Ballet West Facade video performance. I keep getting Rubies from last week. Thanks.

I hadn’t seen live ballet in over 14 months and was in desperate need of it! The Australian Ballet filled the need. It was a lovely variety. I was actually crying in “La Bayadere” sequence. It had been so long and the Australian Ballet Corps performed it beautifully. It was just what I needed. Thank you so much! Bravi to all!

Thanks to your post, Haglund I got a ticket and watched The Australian Ballet a couple of times! It was so exciting to see live classical (mostly) ballet that is done well. So many great pieces, starting with Kingdom of the Shades and ending with Theme and Variations. I hope this company will present more of these live streams and that they will be as good as "Summertime at the Ballet."

There will be a live stream of the first programme in Sydney in April @ Sydney Opera House - Serenade, the Four Temperaments & a new work by Pam Tanowitz.

Looking forward to seeing TAB in Serenade and 4Ts. Should be beautiful.

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