Here's some good news:
Every Thursday from 5PM, Nathan's hotdogs out at Coney Island will cost 5¢ when you buy a regular priced food item - not including apple pie. Even at their normal price of about $5, these hotdogs are worth every cent. And Nathan's has the best institutional mustard on the planet. Squirt it on one of these beauties, bite down, and revel in the crisp snap and juice of the most perfect hotdog ever. Drool your way to the end of the D-Line for one of the most delicious deals NYC has to offer.
Also, beginning today through September, there is a brand new Farmers' Market down at the Hudson Yards complex every Tuesday and Thursday. Come on down.
More good news:
Beginning next Thursday April 29th through May 5th, Pennsylvania Ballet will stream the Resilience component of its Strength, Resilience, Beauty Spring Digital Season. A few weeks ago, Strength was an outstanding program with Stanton Welch's Clear and Balanchine's Concerto Barocco; so, you don't want to miss this upcoming stream that will include Balanchine's Allegro Brilliante, Wheeldon's Polyphonia, Corella's staging of Raymonda Suite and a solo danced by Jermel Johnson from Dwight Rhoden's And So It Is.
The dazzling Mayara Pineiro and Zecheng Liang will lead Allegro Brilliante. Polyphonia will feature Oksana Maslova, Sterling Baca, So Jung Shin, Russell Ducker, Nayara Lopes Jack Thomas, Alexandra Heier, and Aleksey Babayev. If all this isn't exciting enough, the Raymonda Suite will be led by Dayesi Torriente and Arian Molina Soca.
For only $25, you'll get the best seat in your house. And you can watch the program over and over again for a full week. This is digital planning by someone who knows what the ballet lover values and wants.
For those of you who watched the digital performance of Lauren Lovette's La Follia Variations danced by the ABT Studio Company and were impressed by the choreography and dancing but not impressed by the dark lighting and drab costumes, we have some good news. For the upcoming live performance being presented by ABT at Segerstrom Center this Sunday for a digital stream available May 12 - 26 for $25, Lauren has chosen designer Victor Glemaud to create some lovely, color-rich tutus for the women. Here's a pic from WWD (note the gorgeous fushia tulle pinned to the bulletin board):
Those new costumes for La Follia Variations sure are colorful and whimsical. A friend who lives in O.C., who attended the Saturday show (the one filmed for the upcoming stream) reported a couple of unusual falls & skids, due to slippery floor. (Yikes!) My friend particularly enjoyed the Swan Lake White pdd danced by Devon Teuscher and Cory Stearns. This number replaced the previously-announced contemporary piece by Jessica Lang. All in all a nice short program. Four brief works performed to canned music, without intermission. They were in & out of the theatre in less than an hour but it was nonetheless good to have experienced some live ballet.
Posted by: Jeannette | April 28, 2021 at 01:47 PM
Good to hear - except for the falls & skids. Maybe they'll edit those out.
The light is at the end of the tunnel, but it's a darned long tunnel.
Posted by: Haglund | April 28, 2021 at 02:07 PM