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December 25, 2021


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You could find no better present under any Christmas tree! Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to you and your pride, Haglund!

Thank you so much, Eulalia! Peace, happiness, and good health to you in the New Year!

Merry Christmas, Haglund! Thank you for continuing to write about ballet during the times when we had been, and some of us still are, deprived of this beautiful art form. Here's to hopefully many more of your exciting reports on live performances in 2022!

Thank you, Dreamer. The very best to you in the coming year!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you Haglund and your beautiful cat. Wishing you a year of much health, happiness, and great ballet!

Elizabeth, thank you and Happy New Year!

Merry everything, Haglund. Thanks as ever from your thoughtful and astute reviews and observations.

Marta, the best New Year to you, and thank you for reading H.H.

I hope you and your beautiful kitty had a good Christmas. Haglund. I wish you the best ballets to see, good health, and fewer cancellations. Your reviews and insight are awesome! Thank you for keeping the best in ballet critiques going! Enjoy Music Man on Sunday!

Thanks, Georgiann. Happiest of New Years to you.

I saw The Music Man last night. It was fantastic. As we've known for a long time, Hugh Jackman is a one in a million talent. The understudy for Marion, Kathy Voytko, was superb! There were a total of seven substitutions which I think added to the electricity on the stage. Many wonderful children in the cast, too.

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