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December 15, 2021


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Where is the NW corner? Columbus Avenue and West 64th Street don't even intersect - 64th Street stops at Broadway and doesn't pick up again until Amsterdam Avenue.

City Council didn't provide a map, but here's what the legislation says:

§168. The following intersection name, in the Borough of Manhattan, is hereby designated as hereafter indicated.

New Name
Jacques d'Amboise

Present Name

At the northwest corner of West 64th Street and Columbus Avenue

Here's the link:

Click on #2 under Attachments.

Also, West 28th St between 6th & Broadway is now officially named Tin Pan Alley.

I see the detail in the announcement. However, I will give a pair of tickets to the musical "Diana" to anyone who can meet me at ANY corner of West 64th Street and Columbus Avenue.


Let's wait and see what Google Maps does with this issue.

Sounds like it will be in front of the Geffen (Philharmonic) Hall (side facing Columbus Ave). That’s close to where the gelato cart used to be in summers past. Next summer, we’ll hopefully enjoy some gelato in Jacques’ honor!

That's where the NW corner would be if there were actually a corner. Or, as the gentleman in the movie says: "That's funny - that plane's dusting crops where there ain't no crops." And what is the "Way" in Jacques d'Amboise Way?

I saw "Way" published somewhere, but "Place" is listed within one of the City Council's documents. The list which identifies the naming by §168 leaves off both suffixes. I understand that a "Way" is another way of saying a small "out of the way" road whereas a Place is similar to a court or dead end street. Meet up at Jacques' Place or Jacques' Way will both work, although I tend to favor Place.

Glad we have this to talk about today.

Speaking of the Opera House, ABT releases 2022 casting today with notable Kitri and odette/odile debuts of Cate Hurlin, but seemingly no casting of Copeland? Also when will they announce casting for Kennedy center end of March?

A final thought
I'll keep it short
Ain't no road
No street
No court

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