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September 22, 2022


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Oh how I love the opulence of Karinska's costumes.

What happened to Ashley Bouder? Did she have another baby? Was she injured? I believe she was out in the spring, and possibly also the winter, seasons.

I've never been a fan of Bouder's body type for ballet. It's always been too bulky for my tastes. A ballerina should look light as air and she has never looked that way.

I haven't seen a recent photo of her though so I'm curious now.

Apparently Laine Habony spent the last 6 months dealing with surgery and recovery for that horrid wrist break she had last season. According to IG, she works out with Joel Proudy (Sara Mearns) and although not as thin as she used was, she still is a gorgeous classically-trained dancer with gifted musicality and port-de-bras. Let's hope she can continue to move in the right direction as she is a beautiful dancer. I have always wanted to see more of her!!

Thank you, Jan. Let's hope that she does move in the right direction. However, continuing to reward a dancer with front row courtesies when she is not in front row condition doesn't provide an incentive to improve, IMO. The issue we're talking about goes back to the first season after the lockdown was lifted.

Ooof I just saw Ashley Bouder's IG post from Scotch Symphony the other night. She does not look to be in world-class ballerina shape. I came on here wondering if anyone else had noticed. Mr. B would not approve.

I saw Scotch Symphony on Friday night’s program. I have to agree with all who’ve posted that Boulder, at this point in time, doesn’t seem to be fit enough to be on stage in classical ballets. I cannot believe that management and the coaching staff allow this. Maybe NYCB is trying to make a point about welcoming diversity of body types?

On the other hand…Emma v E. was terrific as the Scottish Girl in part one. Fairchild and Gordon led a first-class Divert 15, while Hyltin was sublime as the titular Sleepwalker/Sonnambula.

Thanks, Jeannette.

Unfortunately, I had to miss Friday night and all three weekend performances due to a cranky sciatic nerve. Sorry to have missed all these great performances, particularly Emma von Enck's new assignment. I was thinking how her energy will be superb in Stravinsky Violin Concerto in either role. And of course as Aurora with those elegant elbows and wrists. . .

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