Well, gall dang, a ballet company finally stood up to a disgruntled former dancer's claim of "abuse". Yeah, it happened on the other side of the world, but hey, that's a start.
To a dancer's claim of constant belittlement, being silenced, shunning, physical and verbal abuse, and, get this, "the list goes on" the RNZB said:
"The allegations made in this interview by a former employee, regarding the company's internal culture and working practices, and the actions allegedly taken or not taken by our Board to address concerns raised, are malicious, false and completely rejected by the Board," the RNZB said in a written statement.
It said the allegations have damaged the company and everyone who works with and for the RNZB.
"As a responsible employer, the Board of the RNZB takes, and has always taken, employees' concerns, particularly those alleging any kind of bullying, intimidation or abuse, extremely seriously. We have zero tolerance for behaviour of this kind. Should allegations be made, we have robust processes in place to investigate and resolve any issues."
According to the website Stuff.co.nz, "The [RNZB's] statement said it was a matter of record the dance company, which receives $5.4 million a year in public funding, had experienced "some workplace issues in the past". It said at that time, the board had initiated a formal process of fact-finding and facilitation, with the help of independent external advisors, and a number of recommendations had been made."
Since when is an employer who tells an employee to shut up considered abusive? Dancers need to join the real world. The idea that they are entitled to express their own opinions whenever and to whomever they want and that they must be listened to is inconsistent with what is permitted in corporate America.
So there ya go ...